Info |
Upkg version | 1.4.1 |
Packages | 1114 |
Version: | 20241116 |
Revision: | 1 |
Branch: | stable |
- aarch64-linux-gnu: aarch64-linux-gnu cross-toolchain
- asciidoc: Text based document generation
- benchmark: Google microbenchmark support library
- brainfuck: brainfuck compiler
- bubblewrap: container setup utility
- ccache: fast compiler cache
- chrpath: allows you to change the rpath (where the application looks for libraries) in an application
- cloc: Count Lines of Code
- clucene-core: high-performance, full-featured text search engine
- cvs: Concurrent Versioning System
- docutils: Python Documentation Utilities
- dos2unix: DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
- finja: Your friendly finding ninja.
- fuse3: Filesystem in Userspace
- gcc-fortran: GNU compiler collection fortran compiler
- git-lfs: Git Large File Storage
- gitg: git repository viewer targeting gtk+/GNOME
- gmm: Gmm++ is a generic C++ template library for sparse, dense and skyline matrices
- gnome-builder: Develop software for GNOME
- go: The Go Programming Language
- gobject-introspection-1.0: GObject Introspection
- googletest: Google Testing and Mocking Framework
- grpc: RPC library and framwork
- i686-linux-gnu: i686-linux-gnu cross-toolchain
- indent: Indent and format C program source
- jq: lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
- json-glib-1.0: library providing serialization and deserialization support for the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format
- lcov: coverage analysis, extension of GCOV
- libraw: library for reading RAW files from digital photo cameras
- liburing: Linux-native io_uring I/O access library
- llvm: Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) is a compiler infrastructure
- mercurial: A fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects.
- meson: high productivity build system
- netpbm: toolkit for manipulation of graphic images
- ninja: small build system with a focus on speed
- nlohmann-json: JSON for Modern C++
- nodejs: Event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment
- python-sphinx: Sphinx documentation generator
- Python3: Python language tools
- rasqal: library that handles Resource Description Framework (RDF) query syntaxes, query construction and query execution returning result bindings
- redland: library providing the RDF API and triple stores
- riscv64-linux-gnu: riscv64-linux-gnu cross-toolchain
- rocksdb: Embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage
- ruby: Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming
- rustc: Rust compiler
- subversion: Version Control System
- sysprof: System-wide Performance Profiler for Linux
- tk: Tk toolkit for Tcl and X11
- tomlplusplus: Header-only TOML config file parser and serializer for C++17
- u-boot-tools: boot loader tools
- valgrind: Suite of tools for memory debugging and profiling
- vscode: Visual Studio Code
- xrestop: top like tool for monitoring X Client server resource usage
Reverse Dependencies