Upkg version1.4.1
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Boot Image

Here you can download a bootable rescue / installation image containing a base paldo system. It allows you to install or build paldo on a computer without requiring an already installed system. You can also use it as a bootable rescue system, it includes disk and network tools. Have a look at the dependencies of the paldo-rescue package to get a detailed listing what's included.

Default password for the root user is set to "paldo"

Latest x86_64 stable Rescue Image

Image Size:832 MB
Build Date:2025-02-06 06:30 UTC
paldo-rescue-x86_64-stable.img (MD5 checksum)

Latest x86_64 unstable Rescue Image

Image Size:832 MB
Build Date:2025-02-03 20:39 UTC
paldo-rescue-x86_64-unstable.img (MD5 checksum)