mysql extension which was dropped in PHP 7
All Dependencies
115 packages
- acl: Access control list library and utilities
- unstable: acl-2.3.1-1
- stable: acl-2.3.1-1
- apr: Apache Portable Runtime
- unstable: apr-1.7.4-1
- stable: apr-1.7.4-1
- apr-util: Apache Portable Runtime
- unstable: apr-util-1.6.3-1
- stable: apr-util-1.6.3-1
- attr: Extended attribute shared library
- unstable: attr-2.5.1-1
- stable: attr-2.5.1-1
- autoconf: automatic configure script builder
- unstable: autoconf-2.72-1
- stable: autoconf-2.72-1
- automake: A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
- unstable: automake-1.17-1
- stable: automake-1.17-1
- bash: The GNU Bourne Again SHell
- stable: bash-5.2.37-1
- unstable: bash-5.2.37-1
- bison: A parser generator that is compatible with YACC
- stable: bison-3.8.2-1
- unstable: bison-3.8.2-1
- boost: Boost C++ Libraries
- unstable: boost-1_86_0-1
- stable: boost-1_86_0-1
- bzip2: A high-quality block-sorting file compressor
- stable: bzip2-1.0.8-1
- unstable: bzip2-1.0.8-1
- cap-ng: support for POSIX.1e capabilities
- stable: cap-ng-0.7.9-1
- unstable: cap-ng-0.7.9-1
- cmake: Cross Platform Make
- unstable: cmake-3.31.4-1
- stable: cmake-3.31.4-1
- coreutils: The GNU core utilities
- stable: coreutils-9.6-1
- unstable: coreutils-9.6-1
- curl: Command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FILE and LDAP.
- unstable: curl-8.11.1-1
- stable: curl-8.11.1-1
- cyrus-sasl: cyrus secure authentication layer
- unstable: cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-2
- stable: cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-2
- docbook-xml: docbook xml dtds
- stable: docbook-xml-4.5-3
- unstable: docbook-xml-4.5-3
- docbook-xsl: DocBook XSL Stsylesheets
- unstable: docbook-xsl-1.78.1-3
- stable: docbook-xsl-1.78.1-3
- e2fsprogs: ext2 and ext3 filesystem utilities
- stable: e2fsprogs-1.47.1-1
- unstable: e2fsprogs-1.47.1-1
- elfutils: collection of utilities and DSOs to handle compiled objects
- unstable: elfutils-0.189-1
- stable: elfutils-0.189-1
- expat: xml parser
- stable: expat-2.4.9-1
- unstable: expat-2.4.9-1
- filesystem-hierarchy: Filesystem Hierarchy
- stable: filesystem-hierarchy-20221010-1
- unstable: filesystem-hierarchy-20221010-1
- flex: A fast lexical analyzer generator
- stable: flex-2.6.4-2
- unstable: flex-2.6.4-2
- freetype: true type renderer
- unstable: freetype-2.13.3-1
- stable: freetype-2.13.3-1
- gdbm: set of database routines that use extensible hashing
- unstable: gdbm-1.23-1
- stable: gdbm-1.23-1
- gettext: GNU Internationalization utilities
- unstable: gettext-0.22.5-1
- stable: gettext-0.22.5-1
- glibc: GNU C library
- unstable: glibc-2.40-1
- stable: glibc-2.40-1
- gmp: GNU Multiple Precision Arithemtic Library
- unstable: gmp-6.3.0-1
- stable: gmp-6.3.0-1
- gnutls: The GNU Transport Layer Security Library
- stable: gnutls-3.8.4-1
- unstable: gnutls-3.8.4-1
- gperf: perfect hash function generator for sets of key words
- stable: gperf-3.1-1
- unstable: gperf-3.1-1
- grep: GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
- unstable: grep-3.11-1
- stable: grep-3.11-1
- groff: GNU troff text-formatting system
- unstable: groff-1.23.0-1
- stable: groff-1.23.0-1
- gzip: The GNU compression utility
- unstable: gzip-1.13-1
- stable: gzip-1.13-1
- httpd: apache web server
- stable: httpd-2.4.62-1
- unstable: httpd-2.4.62-1
- hwdata: Hardware identification and configuration data
- unstable: hwdata-0.382-1
- stable: hwdata-0.382-1
- icu: international components for unicode
- unstable: icu-76_1-1
- stable: icu-76_1-1
- inih: simple .INI file parser written in C
- unstable: inih-r58-1
- stable: inih-r58-1
- intltool: gnome internationalization tool
- stable: intltool-0.51.0-2
- unstable: intltool-0.51.0-2
- jinja2: Full featured template engine for Python
- stable: jinja2-3.1.2-1
- unstable: jinja2-3.1.2-1
- jpeg: jpeg library
- unstable: jpeg-3.0.1-1
- stable: jpeg-3.0.1-1
- json-c: JSON implementation in C
- unstable: json-c-0.17-20230812-1
- stable: json-c-0.17-20230812-1
- kmod: linux module utilities
- libaio: Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library
- unstable: libaio-0.3.113-1
- stable: libaio-0.3.113-1
- libarchive: library for reading and writing streaming archive
- unstable: libarchive-3.7.3-1
- stable: libarchive-3.7.3-1
- libcap: support for POSIX.1e capabilities
- stable: libcap-2.36-1
- unstable: libcap-2.36-1
- libevent: event notification library
- stable: libevent-2.1.12-1
- unstable: libevent-2.1.12-1
- libffi: a portable foreign function interface library
- unstable: libffi-3.4.6-1
- stable: libffi-3.4.6-1
- libgcrypt: gnu crypto library
- stable: libgcrypt-1.11.0-1
- unstable: libgcrypt-1.11.0-1
- libgpg-error: gnu privacy guard error library
- unstable: libgpg-error-1.51-1
- stable: libgpg-error-1.51-1
- libpcre2: perl compatible regular expression library
- unstable: libpcre2-10.44-1
- stable: libpcre2-10.44-1
- libpng: portable network graphics library
- unstable: libpng-1.6.44-1
- stable: libpng-1.6.44-1
- libpsl: C library to handle the Public Suffix List
- stable: libpsl-0.21.1-1
- unstable: libpsl-0.21.1-1
- libssh: libssh is a mulitplatform C library implementing the SSHv[1|2] protocol
- stable: libssh-0.9.6-1
- unstable: libssh-0.9.6-1
- libtasn1: Manage ASN.1 structures
- stable: libtasn1-4.19.0-1
- unstable: libtasn1-4.19.0-1
- libtool: libtool
- stable: libtool-2.5.4-1
- unstable: libtool-2.5.4-1
- libungif: gif decompression library
- stable: libungif-4.1.4-2
- unstable: libungif-4.1.4-2
- libunistring: Unicode library
- stable: libunistring-0.9.10-1
- unstable: libunistring-0.9.10-1
- liburing: Linux-native io_uring I/O access library
- unstable: liburing-2.4-1
- stable: liburing-2.4-1
- libuv: multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O
- unstable: libuv-1.47.0-1
- stable: libuv-1.47.0-1
- libwebp: WebP encoder and decoder library
- unstable: libwebp-1.4.0-1
- stable: libwebp-1.4.0-1
- libxcrypt: Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others
- unstable: libxcrypt-4.4.36-1
- stable: libxcrypt-4.4.36-1
- unstable: libxcrypt-stage2-4.4.36-1
- stable: libxcrypt-stage2-4.4.36-1
- libxml2: gnome xml library
- unstable: libxml2-2.13.5-1
- stable: libxml2-2.13.5-1
- libxslt: xslt library
- stable: libxslt-1.1.42-1
- unstable: libxslt-1.1.42-1
- libzip: C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
- stable: libzip-1.5.1-1
- unstable: libzip-1.5.1-1
- linux-headers: Sanitized Linux Kernel Headers
- stable: linux-headers-6.12-1
- unstable: linux-headers-6.12-1
- Linux-PAM: pluggable authentication modules for linux
- stable: Linux-PAM-1.3.0-1
- unstable: Linux-PAM-1.3.0-1
- lmdb: Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
- stable: lmdb-0.9.32-1
- unstable: lmdb-0.9.32-1
- logrotate: Log rotation utility
- unstable: logrotate-3.21.0-1
- stable: logrotate-3.21.0-1
- lz4: extremely fast compression
- stable: lz4-1.9.4-1
- unstable: lz4-1.9.4-1
- lzo: Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer is a data compression algorithm that is focused on decompression speed
- unstable: lzo-2.09-1
- stable: lzo-2.09-1
- m4: a macro processing language
- stable: m4-1.4.19-1
- unstable: m4-1.4.19-1
- mailutils: command-line mail utilities
- stable: mailutils-3.13-1
- unstable: mailutils-3.13-1
- make: The GNU version of the "make" utility
- stable: make-4.4.1-1
- unstable: make-4.4.1-1
- mariadb: MySQL database server
- stable: mariadb-10.6.12-1
- unstable: mariadb-10.6.12-1
- MarkupSafe: Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
- stable: MarkupSafe-2.1.3-1
- unstable: MarkupSafe-2.1.3-1
- meson: high productivity build system
- unstable: meson-1.6.0-1
- stable: meson-1.6.0-1
- mime-support: mime support files
- stable: mime-support-20050125-1
- unstable: mime-support-20050125-1
- nasm: assembler
- unstable: nasm-2.16.03-1
- stable: nasm-2.16.03-1
- ncurses: Shared libraries for terminal handling
- unstable: ncurses-6.5-1
- stable: ncurses-6.5-1
- nettle: low-level cryptographic library (symmetric algorithms)
- unstable: nettle-3.10-1
- stable: nettle-3.10-1
- nghttp2: HTTP/2 C Library
- unstable: nghttp2-1.64.0-1
- stable: nghttp2-1.64.0-1
- ninja: small build system with a focus on speed
- stable: ninja-1.12.1-1
- unstable: ninja-1.12.1-1
- nspr: Netscape Portable Runtime Library
- unstable: nspr-4.36-1
- stable: nspr-4.36-1
- nss: Network Security Service Libraries
- stable: nss-3.107-1
- unstable: nss-3.109-1
- unstable: nss-ca-certificates-3.109-1
- stable: nss-ca-certificates-3.107-1
- oniguruma: regular expression library
- stable: oniguruma-6.9.4-1
- unstable: oniguruma-6.9.4-1
- openldap: ldap client library
- unstable: openldap-2.6.9-1
- stable: openldap-2.6.9-1
- openssl: ssl library
- stable: openssl-3.4.0-1
- unstable: openssl-3.4.1-1
- p11-kit-1: Library and proxy module for properly loading and sharing PKCS#11 modules
- stable: p11-kit-1-0.25.3-2
- unstable: p11-kit-1-0.25.3-2
- pciutils: lspci and other pci utils
- unstable: pciutils-3.12.0-1
- stable: pciutils-3.12.0-1
- pcre: perl compatible regular expression library
- unstable: pcre-8.45-1
- stable: pcre-8.45-1
- pecl-database-mysql: mysql extension which was dropped in PHP 7
- stable: pecl-database-mysql-20210412-1
- perl: Practical Extraction and Report Language
- unstable: perl-5.40.0-1
- stable: perl-5.40.0-1
- php: PHP
- unstable: php-8.3.13-1
- stable: php-8.3.13-1
- pkgconfig: package configuration utility
- stable: pkgconfig-0.29.2-1
- unstable: pkgconfig-0.29.2-1
- popt: option parsing library
- stable: popt-1.16-1
- unstable: popt-1.16-1
- postgresql: PostgreSQL database server
- stable: postgresql-16.3-1
- unstable: postgresql-16.3-1
- pyelftools: pure-Python library for parsing and analyzing ELF files and DWARF debugging information
- unstable: pyelftools-0.30-1
- stable: pyelftools-0.30-1
- Python: Python language tools
- unstable: Python-3-1
- stable: Python-3-1
- python-flit-core: Distribution-building parts of Flit
- unstable: python-flit-core-3.9.0-1
- stable: python-flit-core-3.9.0-1
- python-setuptools: Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
- unstable: python-setuptools-69.0.2-1
- stable: python-setuptools-69.0.2-1
- python-wheel: reference implementation of the Python wheel packaging standard
- unstable: python-wheel-0.41.3-1
- stable: python-wheel-0.41.3-1
- Python3: Python language tools
- unstable: Python3-3.13.1-1
- stable: Python3-3.13.1-1
- readline: commandline editing library
- stable: readline-8.2-5
- unstable: readline-8.2-5
- shadow: Shadow passwords support
- unstable: shadow-4.5-1
- stable: shadow-4.5-1
- unstable: shadow-stage2-4.5-1
- stable: shadow-stage2-4.5-1
- sqlite3: SQLite: An Embeddable SQL Database Engine
- unstable: sqlite3-3.47.0-1
- stable: sqlite3-3.47.0-1
- sudo: run command as superuser
- stable: sudo-1.9.5p2-2
- unstable: sudo-1.9.5p2-2
- systemd: systemd System and Session Manager
- unstable: systemd-256.8-1
- stable: systemd-256.8-1
- tiff: libtiff
- stable: tiff-4.7.0-1
- unstable: tiff-4.7.0-1
- unzip: zip file extractor
- unstable: unzip-60-2
- stable: unzip-60-2
- userspace-rcu: Userspace RCU Implementation
- stable: userspace-rcu-0.14.0-1
- unstable: userspace-rcu-0.14.0-1
- util-linux: linux utilities like mount,hwclock,...
- unstable: util-linux-2.40.4-1
- stable: util-linux-2.40.4-1
- xfsprogs: xfs userspace tools
- stable: xfsprogs-6.12.0-1
- unstable: xfsprogs-6.12.0-1
- XML-Parser: PERL-Module for xml
- unstable: XML-Parser-2.44-2
- stable: XML-Parser-2.44-2
- xz: utils for managing LZMA and XZ compressed files
- stable: xz-5.6.4-1
- unstable: xz-5.6.4-1
- zlib: compression library
- unstable: zlib-1.3.1-1
- stable: zlib-1.3.1-1
- zstd: Zstandard real-time compression algorithm
- stable: zstd-1.5.6-1
- unstable: zstd-1.5.6-1